SaneSecurity cierra momentáneamente

Desde hace unos días, al ir a bajarme las firmas (firmas de spam, phishing y demás) de SaneSecurity para ClamAV, me daba un Not Found. Ayer, se publicó esto en su página web:


Sanesecurity signatures are no longer being updated or distributed due to extremely high server resource usage, which appears to be from a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). I’ve moved server hosts twice (which takes time) and both times have resulted in the site being suspened.

As many of you know, I produce the signatures and run the site, in my spare time and with Christmas approaching I’m finding my spare time is currently limited.

Hopefully this won’t be the end of the signatures and I’m hoping that they may return in the New Year.

May I take this opportunity to thank everyone who has helped this project, either by
providing samples, bandwidth, download scripts or donating.

Thanks and sorry to let you all down.


Esperemos que sea verdad que a principios de año vuelven… :-/

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